We’re proud to be able to join lots of businesses in Perthshire with our Dog Friendly status and look forward to welcoming you.

Whilst our team are all doggy friendly, we recognise that not all our visitors feel the same way.

So to keep all our guests (including the furry ones) happy and safe, we’ve come up with 5 Golden Housekeeping rules which we would ask you to follow during your visit:

Who’s in charge

We all know who the boss is at home but while you are in the centre you are responsible for your dog’s behaviour.

Dress code

We don’t mind what attire your furbaby is wearing but please ensure it includes a collar and lead or harness.

VIP areas

Please adhere to doggy friendly areas during your visit

In the event of an accident

We recognise that this will happen from time to time so all we ask is that you clean up any mess and inform a member of staff who can provide any additional cleaning materials.

‘Three woofs and you’re out’

We all enjoy a bit of peace and quiet so please keep the noise down and if necessary take a walk around the block to calm down before reconvening your visit.